
YuanZaiisafemalegiantpandabornattheTaipeiZooonJuly6,2013.SheisthefirstpandacubborninTaiwan,toparentsTuanTuanandYuanYuanby ...,ThepandasarehousedatTaipeiZooandhavebeenexhibitedtothepublicsincethe2009ChineseNewYear.Oneofthepandas,TuanTuan,diedinNovember2022.,ThegiantpandasarecomingtoTaipeiZoo'sXinguangSpecialExhibitHouse,theexhibitfacilitybestowedbytheShinKongGrouptothe ...,Children'sZoo·Insecta...

Yuan Zai (giant panda)

Yuan Zai is a female giant panda born at the Taipei Zoo on July 6, 2013. She is the first panda cub born in Taiwan, to parents Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan by ...

Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan

The pandas are housed at Taipei Zoo and have been exhibited to the public since the 2009 Chinese New Year. One of the pandas, Tuan Tuan, died in November 2022.

Xinguang Special Exhibit House (Giant Panda House)

The giant pandas are coming to Taipei Zoo's Xinguang Special Exhibit House, the exhibit facility bestowed by the Shin Kong Group to the ...

Taipei Zoo

Children's Zoo · Insectarium · Koala · Tropical Rainforest Area Tropical Rainforest · Giant Panda House Giant Panda · Desert Animal ... Visit the Zoo · Giant Panda · Zoo News · Children's Zoo

Future has finally arrived at Taipei thanks to the collaborative efforts ...

A four-year-old male red panda named Future from Hamazoo was chosen to be exchanged with Taipei Zoo to maintain gene diversity. After ...

Indoor Display Areas

Indoor Display Areas ; 3, Koala House, 2022-12-06 ; 4, Amphibian and Reptile House, 2022-12-05 ; 5, Xinguang Special Exhibit House (Giant Panda House), 2022-12-04.

Taipei Zoo

The following will be opened on consecutive holidays and the closed days are: Jan. 2: Education Center、Giant Panda House; Feb. 15: Education ... Visit the Zoo · Shuttle Train · Outdoor Display Areas

Taipei Zoo celebrates 10th birthday of giant panda Yuan Zai

Giant panda Yuan Zai (圓仔) celebrates her 10th birthday on Thursday (July 6) at Taipei Zoo with a special cake prepared by zookeepers.

Taipei Zoo (2025)

評分 4.5 (3,243) The largest zoo in Asia, this was original a private zoological garden. The giant panda house, Formosan animal area, koala house and Asian tropical rainforest ...

Lousy experience of been hurried by staff in Giant Panda House

評分 3.0 · NSEL Came here twice on a Saturday morning and a Monday morning in order to see all 3 Panda (Tuan Tuan, Yuan Yuan, Yuan Zai). I am a panda fan so I make it a ...